Sunday, August 16, 2015

Thank You Lord God!

It's my birthday tomorrow and it's a little bit odd that I don't feel excited at all? Maybe because I don't have any plans... is this a sign of getting old? lol. I used to have several plans that I want to do a week before my birthday and have another plan for my actual birthday, but for this year I have none. I don't even feel like it's already my birthday again tomorrow. I was supposed to go out with my friends but I've been feeling dull these past few days and I keep on turning down plans, I don't feel like responding to any of my messages, I tend to shut people out... for short I just want to be on my own and complain how lonely I am. haha! It's becoming a hobby. lol. But seriously, I don't have plans for tomorrow except to workout and finish my plate. I still have a finals on Tuesday and I just want this semester to end and have my 5 day term break already. ugh.

Anyway, I'm turning 19 tomorrow (yes, I'm only/already 19) I still remember how I celebrated my last birthday and what my birthday wish was. I asked God to give me a memorable year and indeed, he gave me a VERY unforgettable year. There were a lot of unexpected changes this year. I wouldn't have thought that things would turn out the way they did. So far, this year is probably the most stressful year of my life. There were times that I was on my knees and I was asking God to fix all the mess and make everything work out, there were times that I just want to give up on everything and I was losing hope. I wouldn't say that I had a pleasant year but I won't say that I had the worst year of my life. Despite all the strenuous circumstances that God has given me, I'm really thankful that He let me experience all of it. I wouldn't wish for things to go the way they did but I'm still happy it all happened because I became closer to God. And I think that's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm really grateful that he did something to draw me closer to Him.

For my birthday wish this year, I just want to be genuinely happy. I want my loved ones to be happy especially my parents. I want to excel on my studies and make my parents proud. I don't want to wish for things to happen this or that way, I just want God to have his way in me. I want his will be done. I surrender myself to him and I trust His plans for me. This is my last year as a teenager and I can't wait to build new memories with God.

Thank you Mom for giving birth to me and thank you God for giving me the gift of life.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever. That in all things, God may be glorified.

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