time check: 2:07 am
It is not unusual for me to wake up at this hour. I've read somewhere that maybe if we can't put ourselves to sleep, maybe because we haven't talked to God yet.
We're busy running our own errands during the day so we tend to fall back to sleep right after a very long day. But sometimes we can't sleep even if we're already tired enough. Whenever I wake up at this hour and I can't put myself back to sleep, I usually take this time to reflect. For me this is the perfect time to read His word and reflect on it. I always feel at ease every time I do it because it feels like I'm really having a one on one conversation with Him.
When was the last time you actually talked to God? He wanna know how your day went. God is longing for you. He wants to know how you feel. Talk to him like He's your best friend. He understands all your struggles, all your pain. Sometimes we tend to stress over things that we shouldn't stress about. You have a problem? why don't you surrender it all to God. Wherever you are, God put you there for a reason. Let Go of things that bothers you and Let God handle it. God's plans is always better than ours so trust in Him. Have faith and let God take over your life. Talk to him. If there's someone who can truly understand you, it is Him. Ask for his guidance and let his will be done.